I finally had an epiphany when I realized that it took me over 20 years to get fat and stay fat. I was not going to lose weight and keep it off ‘overnight’. I needed to realize that in order for me to see the results I wanted I need to be patient, consistent and persistent.
1. Patient
It took me years to get the body I had and while it may not take years to get the body I wanted, I had to recognize that I needed to stick to a sensible plan and allow the changes to occur over time. I began to work on my body and gently manipulate it into letting go of the weight permanently through a balanced meal plan and exercise. I stopped focusing on 30 day, 60 day and 90 day plans and the results I was 'supposed to see' and began sticking with the process and allowing my body to make changes at its own pace. Give your plan a fair chance to work. You can’t write something off if you haven’t given your best effort and stuck with it long enough.
2. Consistent
Perhaps the most important lesson I learnt was that of being consistent in my effort. It has been my experience that the results of weight loss are cumulative. That means that the combination of ones effort over time has the greatest impact. Remaining consistent with a clean, healthy diet and avoiding bites and extra food that was not on the plan is what gave me amazing results. I found that having one bad day or a bad week had disastrous effects and as a result I was highly motivated to stay on plan.
3. Persistent
When you embark on your weight loss journey, you need to be persistent and adhere to your meal plan day in day out and be persistent with your exercise routine. Your combined effort will yield the best results over time. You need to remain persistent in doing all the things that you know and understand will yield results, even when you don’t see results right away. Just continue to believe that positive changes are occurring even when you cannot see them.
After reading this some of you are still asking how long will it take. The point is, no one can pin point with any certainty how long it will take to lose a certain amount of weight. But everyone can comit to the process and stick to it for as long as it takes to reach the desired results. The benefits add up plenty fold not only as it relates to your weight but also to you