Look, I get that my service costs money and financial issues are real issues. I get that time is a real factor and we all wish we had a few more hours in the day. Oh and yes, we are moms and parenting responsibilities never end. Believe it or not I assess all this on a case-by-case basis and if all other things are in place and you are willing to work just as hard as I will work for you then yeah, I’ll work with you and meet you where you’re at. Most people just don’t display that level of commitment for me take that next step with them.
So the next time you look at yourself in the mirror and lament the shape of your whatever and the need to lose weight. Ask what is truly keeping you from making the changes you need to make. What is keeping you from taking that next step? If you’re truly honest with yourself you’ll find that your reasons for not taking action are merely excuses. What will it take for you to break free and ditch the excuse and achieve the best you possible?