But 2009 was different; we had evacuated Hurricane Ike and settled in Maryland. We were starting everything from scratch and I threw in my weight loss goals in the mix once again. This time I teamed up with an awesome trainer who was instrumental for pulling me through and pumping life into me the majority of my journey. I tried different things and adjusted based on my success and changes began to occur. I was in a learning phase, having enrolled back in college and making new discoveries about myself. So it was no surprise that my mind was open and receptive to learning things I did not know about the human body, food, nutrition, weight loss and fitness.
Fast forward three years and I have kept the weight off, I am making new goals, aiming higher and I am happier than I’ve ever been in my life. I wrote a manifesto with details about my journey and what I went through. I created Shelter’s Weight Loss as an avenue to share my insights and create a service where I coach other people through their weight loss journey. I continue to do research and share helpful information in a way that is easy for people to understand and practice in their own lives. I provide personal support, motivation and encouragement to people who are in the same position I was for many years. I am working with some amazing individuals, many of whom are seeing incredible results. I have learned many things about setting goals, creating a plan of action and seeing it through to the end both from my own experience and from other women’s experiences. People see the end result and often ask how I got here. I am a busy wife, mother, graduate student and full time employee. I get it, we’re all busy, life is tough and finances are challenging. But with the right kind of plan of action and support, anything is possible. Through out my FREE webinar I will be sharing information about how to set realistic, attainable goals and how to create a plan of action and what you can do to ensure that you follow through with it.
In addition to personal experience I will be talking about some fascinating research related to motivation, acquiring and keeping new habits. Watch the webinar and make 2013 the year you get healthy and lose weight once and for all. It is completely private and no one will know you're on it unless you want to share.
The webinar took place on December 27, 2012. Click HERE to view the recording.